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A thought-provoking experiment has demonstrated not only that cyberspace can be used to overcome ethical constraints in experiments but also how some of us are reluctant at the idea of torturing a virtual character.

Stanley Milgram's 1960s…

In Futureshop's Dorm Room, 6 strangers in seven cities across Canada are challenged to stay for 5 days in glassed-in boxes outfitted with the latest in technology without being able to leave and one of them will go home winning all the toys.

[well now you can really sleep with you heart by your side.]--BJ

In 2011, the U.S. government spent $76 billion on military research and development. As history has shown, sometimes that investment pays off. And sometimes you end up running from a flaming pig.

1. Roast Pork

War elephants were the tanks of…

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ground zero looks like when you're a testing mannequin in the 1950s


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In 1955, geneticist Helen Spurway discovered the phenomenon known as parthenogenisis: how some species procreate without a male. Spurway was studying guppies, but wanted to know if parthenogenisis, or "virgin birth," happened in humans. A call went…


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Rites of passage in adolescence are a cross-cultural phenomenon. They have existed throughout human history and may be a significant factor in the development of a stable adult personality. In Western culture, we are familiar with such rites as the…

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