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Although this video does not appear in the show, I feel the funny overtone of the post is worth it.

Imagine The Office being done in the 80's and then this is what you get.

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Isn't every episode like this...


Ha clips from lost, and then followed by that's what she said.

Michael has a Union Jack Flag on his desk that appears in various shots as homage to the original British series. The Office's address is 1725 Slough Road. Slough was the name of the town in which the original version of the show takes place.…


Dwight currently has four bobble-heads on his desk. The most well known is the "Dwight Schrute" bobble-head, a present from Angela in season two. Two others seen throughout the series are of Mike Lieberthal and John Kruk. Lieberthal played catcher…

In the Pilot episode Jim encases Dwight's Stapler and Micheal's coffee mug in Jello, I'll show you how to do it as well!

For anyone who doesn't have a Halloween costume yet, here's a full list of options lol

A song about the everybody's favorite receptionist.

The Dundies Clip for WRD 408 from Shane Williamson on Vimeo. 0-0:32 - In the original series of The Office there were many famous insert1 shots around the water cooler and the copier, the US version doesn't really have any, but pays homage to…


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