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San Francisco architect Andre Rothblatt and contractor Fredic Grasset recently completed this "Steampunk Bathroom" as part of a residential remodel. Beautiful! More at Todd Lappin's Bernalwood: "Bernal Architect Creates Whimsical Steampunk Bathroom"

The imagining of the Pinocchio fairy tale by describing not as some kind of wooden man granted automation, but being made as a functionally astute "robot" or automaton.

So in building this archive, it gave me time to think about what would constitute steampunk; taking an investigative look at this genre. Hunting down pictures, doing interviews, car chases, explosions, suddenly gigantic robot attacks, and at this…

I decided to use this image that I obtained off Shorpy to describe what I was getting from the people that I interviewed; that when you talk about steampunk, you talk about technology and the time period that it does or doesn't go with. Obviously…

I unabashedly think antiquate-it-yourself faux retro-futurism is cool, from Jet Age, Eames-inspired modernism applied to PC case design* to the current love/bane of the intertard set, steampunk.

Why there has been an accelerating interest in…
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