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Beyond the grave


Homage to his grave

Two of my favorite guitarists. Great style and super natural and passionate live concert. Check the song "Good Texan" out, you're gonna love it.

The legend was that if you touched Robert Johnson you could feel the talent running through him, like heat, put there by the devil on a dark Delta crossroad in exchange for his soul. It is why Claud Johnson's grandparents would not let him out of the…

Only two verified pictures have been found of the blues man. However, Niloh claims to now possess a third, “well kept, easily identifiable” image — a picture of Johnson and his wife Deveraux standing in front of a screen door, (Johnson’s…

An unplanned line by Leslie David Baker who plays Stanley has everyone in The Office laughing. Pay close attention to Steve Carell's laugh. Season 4 Blooper

Paying Homage

A comic that draws inspiration from the more bittersweet strips.

Another reality where Steve Jobs (yeah, the Apple one), swaps places with Hobbes.

An interview with Bill Watterson's mother.

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