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Cirque du Soleil students build Calvin and Hobbes-esque snowmen during a winter snowfall.

A re-imagination of Calvin's ill-fated snowmen.

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An article detailing an unofficial book concerning Calvin and Hobbes and its creator, and an offer for a free viewing of a chapter.

This page originally contained a Youtube video that was a C&H and Fight Club conglomeration. Unfortunately the video is lost to time, as the owner took the video down.

Apparently this combination is not a new concept.

Rumors swirl concerning a C&H movie.

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Just some C&H street art.

I actually had the image that this is derived from as my work computer background, for like, a few months.

Nebraska Sky.jpg
Intense mammatus form over eastern Nebraska August 21, 2007 behind a line of storms

cloud reflection.jpg
This image provoks the viewer to find an image with the image. This reminds me of the senario where a psychologist's patient is asked to find an image in an inkblot.

cloudy drugs.jpg
Drugs and the influence on clouds and our perception of those clouds

"Crossroads and Looking for Mushrooms" cover photo. Use of a cloud is evident
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