Video Breakdown

Dublin Core


Video Breakdown


Audrey Hepburn Interview


0:06: We see Audrey wearing a winter hat, yet her dress is sleevless. This does not help us understand where this is taking place. There is only curtains behind them, which does not tell us where they are. The interviewer is holding a long white stick. What is it? Is it part of the camera?

0:12: He asks if she is happy to be back. Where was she? This video is after the production of my fair lady.

0:27: As he asks her a question about working conditions in Europe, she smirks. Why does she do this?

0:31: As he continues to ask her a question, she looks up then looks down, creating the illusion that she is uncomfortable and does not know how to answer.

0:40: She tries to avoid the question by stating that she is not the right person to ask and claiming that she does not know much about the working conditions.

:50: She claims that the question is "too difficult to answer" and studders over her words. She also say umm a lot. This is breaking the illusion that Audrey Hepburn is perfect. She claims she is not trying to avoid the question, but it seems as if she is trying to direct where the interview is going an remain in control.

1:23: The interviewer asks her questions, and she continues to talk over him. She may be doing this because she is nervous, or she could be doing this because she does not know how to answer the question.

1:31: Camera flashes

1:50: Camera zooms in more tightly on her face. Interviewer seems to continue to ask questions that audrey does not know how to answer. Why is he doing. Was there something that happened on the set of "my fair lady" that we do not know about?

2:00: Interviewer asks her another question and she looks down. Showing us that she is uncomfortable and has to think about what shes going to say. Her answer to the question is very blunt, "i just like it".

2:17: An X pops up on the screen, a sign of how old and poor the cameras were in this time period.

2:28: When asking about other celebrities, Audrey avoided the question. Possibly avoiding saying anything mean about any of them. This shows a lot of poise.

2:34: Another camera flashes. Who is taking these photos? Also, another X pops up.

2:42: she continues to studder throughout her response. She nods her head a lot during her interview.

3:05: Camera zooms back out

3:15: Interviewer tries to ask a question, but Audrey cuts him off. She is trying to remain in control on the interview.

3:18: Camera flashes again

3:36: She finally smiles when the interviewer compliments her. First time where she does not look uncomfortable.

3:45: Camera zooms out

3:5: Camera tilts down to her feet and remains there for several seconds. Perhaps the camera man is trying to get her whole outfit into frame and just lingered on her feet for too long. Since the interview continues while this is happening, this makes for a very awkward shot

4:00: As the camera is titling back up, we catch a glimpse of something behind her back. What is it? is it a purse? a scarf?

4:05: camera zooms back iin to a tight closeup of her face

4:06: Black X flashes on the screen again

4:22: As the interview ends and she is walking away, we see the back of a man's head? who is it? it is not the interviewer, could it be the next person in line to be interviewed?

(my first response erased itself because i wrote it in the same text box as the video. Will be finished later tonight after my classes. Sorry!)


Torie Hawrysz




October 16, 2012


Torie Hawrysz, “Video Breakdown,” Useless Archives, accessed May 5, 2024,