Browse Items (52 total)

2012-11-27 the psychological advantage.jpg
When boys bond with superheroes, their self-esteem is lifted upon viewing the characters, as opposed to being lowered by the comparision.

Transcription of the Joker's scar stories

2012-09-11 The cost of being batman.png
Annotated photograph depticting cost of Batman costume

2012-09-11 Take that away and what are you.jpg
Photograph explaining why Batman is truly the best

2012-09-11 Suggested books.jpg
Suggested books that align with the Batman movies

09-11-2012 russian embassy.jpg
Russian government building sporting a Batman logo on the floor.

2012-11-27 route 29 batman.jpg
Real life Batman pulled over on Route 29 in Silver Spring; complete with black Lamborghini, Batman liscense plate, and costume.

Rare photos featured in LIFE 1966 issue of Batman television show

09-11-2012 painted batman converse.jpg
mother paints her sons converse with batman images

This massive taxonomy charts the hundreds of villains who have menaced Gotham City over the past 70 years, breaking down by name everyone from big time baddies like the Joker and Bane to lesser known miscreants like the Walrus and Batzarro.
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