Browse Items (11 total)

A Reddit post detailing a Kickstarter movement to help create a documentary concerning the series called Dear Mr. Watterson. It nearly doubled its projected goal.

This Reddit post supplies a Wikipedia entry that suggests that Hobbes wasn't supposed to be imaginary.

Maybe he's still not.

Reddit user declares his favorite C&H storyline.

This reddit user thinks he looks like a "grown up" Calvin. I think the top comment is a bit more accurate.

Reddit user supplies strip concerning capitalism, and sparks a small discussion about "what isn't a classic C&H strip?"

Discussion on Reddit about merchandising.

A reddit user from a message board concerning marijuana use, expresses their desire for a C&H Saturday morning cartoon.

The high collective resonates.

An apt strip that details my work and study habits in college.

It's more fear-response than strategy.

Redditor's mom painted their motorcycle helmet.

2012-11-27 how would you rename.jpg
Reddit forum debating how you could rename "Batman Begins" to fit the "Dark Knight" convention.
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