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This Reddit post supplies a Wikipedia entry that suggests that Hobbes wasn't supposed to be imaginary.

Maybe he's still not.

A reddit user from a message board concerning marijuana use, expresses their desire for a C&H Saturday morning cartoon.

The high collective resonates.

Redditor's mom painted their motorcycle helmet.

Reddit user supplies strip concerning capitalism, and sparks a small discussion about "what isn't a classic C&H strip?"

Reddit user declares his favorite C&H storyline.

2012-11-27 how would you rename.jpg
Reddit forum debating how you could rename "Batman Begins" to fit the "Dark Knight" convention.

This reddit user thinks he looks like a "grown up" Calvin. I think the top comment is a bit more accurate.

Discussion on Reddit about merchandising.

2012-11-27 whose batman do you prefer.jpg
Reddit debate of which Batman movies are better, Tim Burton's or Christopher Nolan's

An apt strip that details my work and study habits in college.

It's more fear-response than strategy.
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