Simpsons Explanation

Dublin Core


Simpsons Explanation


My project is about The Simpsons. I initially chose The Simpsons because it was a cornerstone of my young life, and in my opinion one of the best comedies to ever be on television. I didn't know what I wanted to show about The Simpsons that most people didn't know for the first few weeks of the project. I basically just collected a bunch of interesting material about The Simpsons and hoped something would come to me. The idea finally came to me while I was making my power point presentation. I knew I wanted to relate The Simpsons to my experiences with it growing up, and as I developed the idea in my head it occurred to me that, not only did I have good family experiences with The Simpsons, but that similar themes underlied my life and the Simpsons' lives: that even though there is dysfunction in a family, it doesn't matter if love exists there also.
My exhibit will consist of a few main things that I have worked on over there course of the semester. There will be a vast part of it that is interesting of funny pictures of The Simpsons. Then there will be large sections of it that relate to my topic. One section of it will contain the picture I made on photoshop that depict the Simpsons as real people and the Simpsons as my family. Another section will contain the interviews I did, which add a lot of perspective to the subject. Also included will be my video breakdown of a clip of one of the episodes.
My video breakdown is simply a piece from one of the episodes of the Simpsons. I thought it was just a good representation of the Simpsons as they normally are, and I wanted to comment on that, and maybe bring some things out that people didn't see or realize. The pictures I made on photoshop attempt to put the Simpsons into the real world. The first one shows the Simpson family busting out of a wall into the real world, which coincidentally is a picture the Banksy did, who does street art for The Simpsons. The second picture of the Simpson family standing with some other families in someone's yard. This attempts to show that the Simpsons are the same as any other real life family. The last picture is of my family with the Simpsons heads replacing the real ones. This is fairly self explanatory. The interviews I felt were a great source of knowledge. Not only did you get to see other people's views on The Simpsons, but there were some interesting connections made on how The Simpsons relate to other people's families in ways that are totally different than mine.


Will Hieronymus



Will Hieronymus, “Simpsons Explanation,” Useless Archives, accessed May 5, 2024,