Batman and Robin video breakdown response

Dublin Core


Batman and Robin video breakdown response


There are definitely ALOT of changes that have happened since that show to Christopher Nolan's excellent retelling. I think anyone of our generation watching that show now would have trouble finding it anything but ridiculous. I'm not sure if that is just because of how old the show is or if it was meant to be ridiculous when it was made, perhaps both. That being said movies and shows now definitely are more dark and serious. I can't remember seeing any show or movie from that time period that matches the darkness and grittiness of some of today's shows.

I would be very interested to read the original comics to see how Batman was originally portrayed. For quite some time now Batman has been portrayed in the comics very serious and dark, but that may not have been true when it first started. It might be that Batman has changed over the course of the years to match changes in society. He changes to match what people will like. If that is the case than in some ways Batman could be considered a metaphor of changing society.

I found the constant references to healthy living and ways to be a good person overwhelming. I have no problem with themes of that nature in movies or shows, but this does it such an obvious way its like its just bring shoved down your throat. Batman drinking orange juice?! No way! I mean he might like a glass with his breakfast every now and then but he ordered it as his regular at a dance club! Who does that?! I get that they didn't want to show alcohol use but still, that is just a little too ridiculous.

What gets the most isn't how ridiculous the show is. There are many shows now that are just as ridiculous but I still like; what gets me is how serious it seems to take itself for a show that I would clearly define as a comedy. It's all just too much.

It is interesting that people of our generation consider "our" Batman to be the one the Christopher Nolan has portrayed for us. He is definitely the Batman I think of when someone mentions Batman. But there are so many different retellings of Batman that each generation probably has a different idea of what Batman should be, as he changes a little each time.

That brings up another interesting point. There are tons of super heroes out there, why has Batman become the one that in constantly retold? Is he just more moldeable than any other hero? What about him appeals to us so much that there's been four (that I know of) retellings of his story. That hasn't happened with any other hero. Perhaps it is his lack of super powers, making him more relatable to us, and making it seem less science fictiony, which many people don't like. Whatever it is there is no doubt that Batman, of whatever generation, is a huge cultural influence.


Will Hieronymus



Will Hieronymus, “Batman and Robin video breakdown response,” Useless Archives, accessed May 4, 2024,