Focus Group Feedback

Dublin Core


Focus Group Feedback


1. You did a good job making a 'useless' connection between Audrey and Snow White. And you did a good job at gathering materials to tell the story in your own way and explain why you think there are similarities.
2. Because you used 2 people for this project it adds to the uniqueness of your story. Comparing two people, especially two people who are not commonly associated, is a good way to tell another story besides the 'grand narrative.'
3. The arrangement of the exhibit is well constructed. You have a lot of a material and I really like the collage of photos you used when comparing the two with animals like the deer. I have seen a lot of photos like these.
4. I definitely am encouraged to learn more. I think it's a clever idea to use as many photos as possible. Both of these women were cherished for their beauty and I'm sure there is no shortage of photos
5. I have never seen the photo of Audrey drinking with the deer before. Good job finding that one!
6. I would suggest, if you haven't done so already, to look back at the original story of Snow White. Disney did not make this story. I'm sure it is very old and probably has more relate-able context. It's probably less G rated too. And Audrey had a very rough past before coming to the US and becoming famous. There could be a lot of parallels if you keep searching.
7. You have a really great exhibit so far. I'm really interested to know more. I would think that with a little more research and stretch you could find some more similarities and use more intriguing photos.


Caitlin Jakubowski


Caitlin Jakubowski, “Focus Group Feedback,” Useless Archives, accessed May 2, 2024,